Improving the Quality of Public Policy by Involving Stakeholders and the Community

  • Didin Muhafidin Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Public Policy, Policy Formulation, Community Participation


This article is attempting to investigate cooperation, one of the vital Great Administration components, as one concept which is expounded not as it were as only partaking, but too contains an exertion to control awareness to inundate within the entire political handle really. There ought to be a genuine ruddy line between going to per se and partaking with information. Fair interest may be a frame of pseudo support, which is built up based on mobilization. Cooperation with mindfulness, on the other hand, is more contributing to making essential changes within the political handle. Within the setting of support, this sort of understanding is vital. Other than, this article is considered any frame of open interest in defining arrangements to oversee Indonesia, mainly the local people. They got to be relatively acknowledged, especially after the application of neighborhood independence, whether or not they specifically relate with broader open interface. This moreover plays a feedback of fair interest in Indonesia, which has caused Indonesia to be cleared out behind by created nations due to the latter's mind blowing political mindfulness. Advancement may be well running by depending on the government quality, but the comes about will be much way better when the occasion completely get open bolster and cooperation.


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How to Cite
Muhafidin, D. (2019). Improving the Quality of Public Policy by Involving Stakeholders and the Community. International Journal of Science and Society, 1(2), 164-172.