Analysis of Social Entrepreneurship Competencies for Non-Formal Education Improvement

  • Adi Irvansyah Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
  • Pudji Muljono Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
  • Anna Fatchiya Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
  • Dwi Sadono Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
Keywords: Social, Entrepreneurship, Competencies, Non-Formal Education.


Entrepreneurial skills are necessary competencies for non-formal education managers. However, the development of social entrepreneurship skills in non-formal education has not received sufficient attention. This study aims to evaluate social entrepreneurship competencies and identify the factors and processes of non-formal education. Specifically, the research aims to analyze social entrepreneurship competencies among managers of non-formal education. The research method used is a literature review that collects data from relevant sources. The analysis shows that social entrepreneurship competencies required by non-formal education managers include creativity, adaptability, self-confidence, networking, understanding of social issues, and managerial skills. Additionally, non-formal education managers need knowledge and skills in financial management, marketing, and collaboration with other parties. This study contributes to strengthening the role of non-formal education managers in increasing the contribution of non-formal education institutions to society. The study's results can be a reference for non-formal education managers to improve their social competence.


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How to Cite
Irvansyah, A., Muljono, P., Fatchiya, A., & Sadono, D. (2023). Analysis of Social Entrepreneurship Competencies for Non-Formal Education Improvement. International Journal of Science and Society, 5(2), 429-439.