Implementation of the Use of E-Tax Cards for the Collection of Non-Metallic Minerals and Rocks Tax in Lumajang Regency

  • Samadikun Universitas Jember, Jember, Indonesia
  • Abubakar Eby Hara Universitas Jember, Jember, Indonesia
  • Djoko Poernomo Universitas Jember, Jember, Indonesia
Keywords: Non-Metallic Minerals and Rocks Tax, E-Government, Local Taxes.


The transformation of e-government implementation allows local governments to innovate using information technology to improve their performance. One of the e-government innovations in the taxation sector that supports the increase in Local Own-Source Revenue (Pendapatan Asli Daerah) is the electronic collection of Non-Metallic Minerals and Rocks Tax (Pajak MBLB) implemented by the Lumajang Regency Government. The use of the E-Tax Card for MBLB has proven to increase tax revenue by 46% compared to the previous year's receipts and minimize the negative impacts of mining. This study aims to explain the factors influencing the implementation of the E-Tax Card for MBLB in collecting the Non-Metallic Minerals and Rocks Tax in Lumajang Regency. The theory used is a combination of Syahruddin's and George C. Edward III's theories, which include aspects of Policy Makers/Initiators, Field Officers, and Target Groups. This study employs a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques through interviews, documentation, and observations at portal units and mining sites. The research results indicate that the implementation of the E-Tax Card for MBLB in collecting the MBLB Tax in Lumajang Regency is less than optimal in the factors of bureaucratic structure, resources, and disposition.


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How to Cite
Samadikun, Hara, A. E., & Poernomo, D. (2024). Implementation of the Use of E-Tax Cards for the Collection of Non-Metallic Minerals and Rocks Tax in Lumajang Regency. International Journal of Science and Society, 6(3), 409-423.