Strategic Management of the Integrity Zone in Realizing Public Services at the Regident Unit of the Bulukumba Police Traffic Unit

  • Sudirman Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia
  • Lukman Hakim Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia
  • Hafis Elfiansya Parawu Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia
  • Fatmawati A. Mappasere Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia
Keywords: Strategy, Integrity Zones, and Public Services.


Open administrations organized by the government incorporate community administrations and regulatory administrations. Within the period of globalization, with conditions of strongly competition and full of challenges, government officials are required to supply the most excellent conceivable benefit to the community and audit wants of the community. Based on the Control of the Serve of State Device Strengthening and Bureaucratic Change Number 52 of 2014 concerning Rules for the Advancement of Astuteness Zones Towards a Corruption-Free Region and a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Region inside government organizations. At that point the Activity Unit Activity Unit Keenness Agreement was marked, taken after by the at that point Kbo, the Regident Head, the Dikyasa Head and all Activity Individuals, driven specifically by the Bulukumba Police Activity Head. This sort of investigate is subjective with a graphic approach. The sources in this think about were six (7) individuals comprising of NCO Unit SIM, NCO Unit BPKB, NCO Unit STNK, NCO for files and archives and the community. The comes about of investigate related to Key Administration of the Judgment Zone at the Regident Unit of the Bulukumba Police Activity Unit utilize three markers, to be specific: to begin with, the detailing of a methodology where in executing the astuteness zone there are a few lines that are reinforced by the device beginning from expanding human asset capacity, setting designs and benefit benchmarks and moving forward offices. and foundation. Moment, the execution of a procedure where each service officer gives data transparently to the open with respect to the vehicle organization benefit component and the usage of benefit advancements employing a mechanical approach. Third, procedure assessment centers on looking at the community fulfillment list in getting administrations so that it gets to be a inspiration for the device and input on perspectives that must be moved forward in carrying out vehicle organization administrations.


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How to Cite
Sudirman, Hakim, L., Parawu, H. E., & Mappasere, F. A. (2024). Strategic Management of the Integrity Zone in Realizing Public Services at the Regident Unit of the Bulukumba Police Traffic Unit. International Journal of Science and Society, 6(2), 270-280.