The Relationship Between Adherence to The Consumption of Blood Supplement Tablets with the Incidence of Anemia in Pregnant Women in The Working Area of The Krebet Health Center, Madiun District
Anemia is a common health problem in pregnant women. One of the causes of anemia is inadequate iron absorption. According to RISKESDAS statistics, 78% of pregnant women suffer from anemia in 2021. According to statistical data from the Krebet Health Center, the incidence of anemia in pregnant women will reach 7.75% in 2022. This research examines how compliance with consuming blood supplement tablets affects the incidence of anemia in pregnant women. Research Method: This research uses a cross-sectional design. The sampling technique used consecutive sampling involving 51 respondents. The data collection technique for the amount of compliance uses the MMAS-8 questionnaire and for the incidence of anemia uses secondary data. Test the data hypothesis using the Chi-square test. Research Results: The research results from 51 respondents, 49.01% were compliant, 50.9% were non-compliant. 60.7% of respondents experienced anemia (31 respondents), 39.3% of respondents were not anemic (20 respondents). A p value of 0.000 (< 0.05) means that there is a relationship between the incidence of anemia and compliance Conclusion: There is a relationship between compliance with the consumption of blood supplement tablets and the incidence of anemia in pregnant women in the working area of the Krebet Community Health Center, Madiun Regency.
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